Dewa Alit Consortium

Dewa Alit Consortium Call

Seeking 20 consortium members to commission Dewa Alit to write a new work for vibraphone duo

Dewa Alit is one of Bali’s leading composers/musicians and is widely recognized as the foremost composer of contemporary/experimental gamelan music. He is the founder and director of Gamelan Salukat in Bali and has also collaborated with Western groups including Ensemble Modern and Bang on a Can. At the 2024 Bang on a Can Long Play Festival Talujon Percussion and Gamelan Yowana Sari presented a full concert, including a world premier, dedicated to his music, both gamelan and contemporary classical.

Examples of Dewa Alit’s music

Consortium Details

This commission will continue the longstanding and fruitful musical exchange between Balinese music and Western contemporary percussion. It will also strive for a more equitable and artistically expansive future in this relationship by recognizing and amplifying the contributions of preeminent Balinese composers to the contemporary percussion canon. Consider joining this consortium for the unique opportunity to work with a distinguished composer at an affordable rate and help our repertoire gain a distinctive piece.

Contact Graham Viegut

+1 (214) 562 - 7549